My Photo
Location: Vass, North Carolina, United States

My name is Jean Skipper, and I'm a working artist who's living my dream in North Carolina. The weather is beautiful; the people are warm and wonderful; and I'm exactly where I want to be in this world.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Photos You Won't Want to Miss

Here are two long overdue photos that you won't want to miss. The first may be a bit boring to some; but to me it's thrilling to no end. This photo shows the new and improved plastic storage drawers in the studio space at Art for All Y'All. These came as a result of our organizational time about month or so ago, and they've been wonderful!

The second photo is a personal favorite of mine. My business partner in the studio is Amy Smith, and she's a fantastic mixed media artist. Well, Amy hates to have her picture taken; but she and her adorable son agreed to pose for me in this one.

Can you see the family resemblance?!?


Blogger nici said...

The drawers look WONDERFUL and the portrait is a riot!!!

8:48 AM  
Blogger Jeanne Rhea said...

The portraits are wonderful! What a great picture.

1:20 PM  

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